Friday, October 27, 2006

GlynnPeace to CELEBRATE American deaths early

I have been kind and I have bent over backwards trying to be fair, only to have members of GlynnPeace LIE to me. Now, they have gone too far. Thank you Kelly for bringing this to my attention.

Wednesday, the group will pull a new publicity stunt on behalf of Rev. Nelson. Their plan is to ring a bell for each of the American soldiers they hope will die before President Bush leaves office. In other words, "We can't wait for them to die so let's celebrate now!"

The number they are shooting for is 2030. This is disgusting.

When this group first appeared, I referred to them as "Nelson's minions" because I was convinced they were doing this as a way they thought would help get the little fella elected. They e-mailed and posted that this was not the case and that they were non-partisan. So I gave them the benefit of the doubt even though their own site listed as an "idea for action" to "work for the election of Jim Nelson."

But, as soon as our backs turned, what did they do? They endorsed Jim Nelson! It is simple, they lied!

Now they will try to say, "Well we didn't endorse him then." Nice try. Your words have no integrity and your actions are reprehensible.

By the way, if GlynnPeace wants to prove this is not a political publicity stunt on behalf of Nelson, why don't they postpone it for a week?

These scumbags have even worked out a sick proposal for the celebration.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Nelson: "Iraqi insurgents are patriots" Compares American troops to Nazis!


I spoke with a Savannah veteran this weekend who attended last week's 2nd debate between Jack Kingston and Rev. Nelson. He told me that Nelson actually said this! I have since confirmed it with two others who say that Jack called him on it too!

The question to Nelson had to do with Iraq being in a civil war and what America's place should be. Nelson answered that "people prefer a brutal dictator...there have always been insurgents. In Biblical days we called them zealots. In the 1770s they were Patriots. In World War II, they were the French resistance..."

Jack responded: "I am appaled that my opponent would compare terrorists in Iraq who are killing Americans with the French Freedom Fighters who fought Nazi tyranny in World War II. I think you need to rethink that."

Nelson continuously refers to our troops as "occupiers" and now he has compared American troops with the Nazis!

No way!
See it for yourself on the WSAV website.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Thank you Jack Hutchinson!

Many of us know Jack from when he worked at the post office on St. Simons. He is a Vietnam vet who gave a lot for his country.

He is against the war in Iraq, and we may not agree with that, but by God he has earned the right to say it!

Check out the great story on Jack in Sunday's Times-Union.

Thank you for you service Jack Hutchinson!

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Debate: Kingston - 5 Nelson - 0

A few of us made our way to Camden County tonight to see the debate between Jack Kingston and Rev. Nelson. Here is the blow by blow of tonight's debate:

Nelson made the opening statement announcing that he is a veteran and a UMC pastor. He said we need good early childhood development. Kingston made his opening statement saying we need good, strong public education and the best equipment for our military. "I don't want a fair fight," he said. He also said that spending on veterans was up 92% since 1995.

1st Question: Should we get our troops out of Iraq?
Kingston - "Cut and run is a bad idea but we should not blindly stay the course."
Nelson - "War may be hell but war is easy. Peace takes work." He stated that we are creating terrosirst attacks by being in Iraq and then started preaching.
Kingston rebuttal - We do not want terrorists attacks in the U.S. He mentioned the Danish cartoon and the Pope's recent comments and pointed out that both had caused terrorist attacks and violence.

2nd Question: Has the war made the U.S. more safe or less safe?
Nelson - Less safe. We need to improve recruiting (uh, all branches surpassed recruiting goals this year) We need to get back our moral standing in the world.
Kingston - Safer. We were not in Iraq during the 1st WTC bombing, the embassy bombings or when the USS Cole was attacked. We have had no attacks on U.S. soil since 9/11. "I don't think our soldiers are torturing anyone at Guantanamo." (This illicited laughs from Nelson supporters who think are troops are the bad guys).
Nelson - Agreed that our troops are not torturing people.

3rd Question: Should the recommendations of the 9/11 commission be followed?
Kingston - "It is a metter of security over privacy."
Nelson - "I choose privacy."

4th Question: Is immigration a problem?
Nelson - Yes. Employers should get 2-years in jail for every illegal they hire. "10 foot fences only help sell 11-foot ladders (good line!) "But the 8 million illegal immigrants are not the problem with healthcare. It is the 46 million uninsured Americans.
Kingston - Yes. We need to secure our borders, fix the system. "And it is time to make English the official language!"
Although I liked the fence line, Nelson dodged the question and tried to change the subject. This was even until then, and Kingston stole it with the English line.

5th Question: What would you do about health insurance?
Kingston - Local flexibility and put prices for medical treatment on the Internet (cool idea).
Nelson - "The poor and uninsured are subsidizing the healthcare system."
There is no logic in Nelson's answer. It was a question that was obviously written by his people to bring up one of his issues. But he missed.

6th Question: How does your faith influence your morals as a legislator? (Another softball)
Nelson - He mentioned minimum wage and children. "How do we pray for our enemies?" (My answer: While standing over their graves!) "Are we concerned for their souls?" (My answer: Yes, I am concerned with how quickly we can release their souls from their bodies!) "Jesus was in favor of universal healthcare."
Kingston - "I pray for guidance before every vote. This is a tough job if you are not morally grounded."
I'm not sure which version of the Bible Rev. Nelson reads, but I have never seen a passage in which Jesus exalted his support of any form of healthcare. Maybe it is in the Book of Hillary?

Closing statements:
Kingston - Mentions supporting the military and alternative fuels.
Nelson - Began preaching.

Overall production:
The bad: It was obvious that the questions were chosen specifically for Nelson (2 on the War, 1 on Health insurance, 1 on Faith). None of Kingston's issues were chosen (getting off of Mideast oil, specific moral issues such as gay marriage).
The good: The format was clean and the audience was taken out of the debate from the start.

The good - He is a preacher and is comfortable speaking in public. He managed to use some humor.
The bad - He never backed up his answers with facts. He also has a slight northern accent ("Warshington") that does not play well in the South. He also has a tendency to assume that he knows the political leanings of God and Jesus which offends people. He must remember, as a preacher on Sunday, you are speaking to people who already believe in what he is saying. When running for office, he has to convince people that what he is saying is right. The problem is, 72% of the people in this district do not believe in what he is saying.

The bad - Because of the format of the questions, he never got to hit some of his key points.
The Good - He stood in there with no problem during a debate designed to make it easy for his opponent. This was home-cooking for Nelson with a pony-tailed liberal lobbing softballs for him to hit out of the park. But he never got into one.

Kingston - 5
Nelson - 0
Even - 1