I visited the Asbells this week to offer them support and any assistance they may need. In case you don't know, Rob and Candy lost their daughter in a car accident on Easter Sunday.
While I was there, I helped them with a sad task: They were making a list of everyone who had sent a card or flowers, called or stopped by or attended the viewing or funeral. They never want to forget those who had helped them through what is surely the most difficult experience any parent could ever face.
The list was very long, with well over a thousand names of people who have reached out to these incredible people. We were able to alphabetize the names and addresses so that they could find people if/when they needed to.
That is when I realized that not one member of GlynnPeace had offered condolences. This organization that CLAIMS to care for human life - and not one member even sent a card! And it isn't like none of them know this family. Several of them have dealt with Rob in his job as an aide to Congressman Kingston (Robert, Cathy, Charles, Dave). What is worse is that some of their spouses and other family members of GlynnPeace did offer condolences (Lydia, Karen). Even Democratic leaders from Glynn and Chatham counties have contacted the Asbells.
This was a tragedy that touched the entire community, but I guess GlynnPeace couldn't put aside their political hatred for one moment to be decent human beings.