Monday, August 21, 2006

Jack honors veterans in Savannah


Monument Honors "Dog" Company

With a tug of two ropes, the D Company monument is unveiled to the world. A stone symbol of the service and hard work of the fighting men of the 10th Infantry battalion during the Korean War. The marines are a little older now, but carry the same pride and respect as when they joined the service.

Congressman Jack Kingston was impressed with these American heroes. "It's just incredible, these guys are so humble its almost surreal. Standing next to them, they are true heroes but you'd never know it unless you pull it out of them."

With handshakes and pictures, the "dog" company, as they were known, reconnect with the past, and each other.

While the next generation gets a feel for history -- and what their grandparents went through during the Korean conflict just to survive.

D Company veteran Joseph Galkie remembers one day just like it was yesterday. "We were being bombed and mortared and shot at. Bobby got injured as he was getting off the truck. We were told to leave, but Bobby was getting left behind. So I went back and grabbed Bobby Up."
182 names are on the monument, all men who fought for their country in Korea. Some of the names are even more special, marked in Gold to mark the sacrifice they made, dying in combat.

You didn't have to listen to Taps being played for the fallen marines, or even see the monument to feel the emotion these men carry with them this day. Everyone touching their own name, enjoying the moment. This day which touched their hearts.

D Company veteran Howard Blatner says seeing his friends was the best part. "The guys, I cant remember all their names but a lot of the guys came up to me, choked me up.yeah, that's what this is about."

The D company was actually a reserve unit, entirely volunteer. A unit which continued on for years after the Korean conflict, with a new set of marines. Many of those same Marines came back Saturday to honor their predecessors


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